Nottingham Goddess
Courses & Workshops
Online Course - Spiralling with the Wheel of the Year
Come and join us on this exciting adventure through the Wheel of the Year. Over the course of 8 Spirals we will journey deeply into what each season has to offer us. Starting at Imbolc and finishing with the Stillness of Yule. As we dive deep into the seasons there will be exercises, ceremonies and homework's to let you go deeper into this practice in ways that will transform your life for the better.
Each Spiral (Lesson) will consist of 1 Video, a meditation, pdf files and a Homework Sheet with exercises, Ceremonies and a research project. Each Spiral will be sent out via email a week before the Sabbat.
You can join the course at any time and start your own path through the wheel.
Through the 8 seasons (Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain and Yule) we will look at how the land transforms and how the Divine Feminine and Masculine dance together to bring changes in Nature. We will also be looking at the deep joy of each season and how we can live our life following the simplistic flow of Goddess and Nature.

Let us learn about trees, natural magic, Goddess, Sacredness, healing, ceremony and much more.
There will also be an online Facebook group where you and fellow students can post and share your thoughts, dreams and photos.
This course is suitable for everyone, any age, any sex, any disability, this is the beauty of online training, you can learn in your own time and at your own pleasure, without stress or worry. Join the course when you are ready and Daniel will be available at anytime for email help and guidance and please contact him if you have any questions at all.
Each spiral (lesson) costs £15 (Instalments also available) and after completing all 8 Spirals a Certificate of Achievement will be given. You dont have to do all 8 you can pick and choose which Sabbats you want to learn more about.
For more information or to Join the course please email danielholmes_5@msn.com
Course Tutor: Daniel Le fey. I'm an experienced Priest of the Goddess and of Avalon, with a deep understanding of the land and how it works, I also holds a level 3 qualification in Environmental Management with a huge love of trees. I want to make this course fun, interactive, joyful and pleasurable and most importantly assessable for all.