Nottingham Goddess
Why do we only honour the Goddess and not the Pagan Gods?
At the Temple we honour the Divine Feminine seeing Her in all Forms. We honour and welcome the God into our Temple at times like Beltane when the Wild Lovers commit to their passion. Our primary goal is to bring Goddess Consciousness back into our world and this is why we are solely dedicated to Goddess. We invite you to create a Divine Masculine Temple to the Pagan Gods and would be happy to work with you.
Which Goddesses do we honour?
At the Temple, we honour and celebrate our Local Goddesses of the East Midlands as well as celebrating the Divine Feminine in all Her forms. For more information on our Local Goddesses please visit http://nottinghamgoddess.wixsite.com/temple/wheel-of-nottingham.
Are men welcome to the Temple?
YES, we welcome everyone to the Temple, we do not discriminate on the grounds of gender, sexuality, class, race, colour, disability, faith, etc as this is not the way of Goddess. We aim to be inclusive and welcoming to all. We also have disabled access for visitors. Occasionally, there may be times when some events are either female only or male only. This is due to the nature and work of that particular event and is not to cause any offence or with the intention of excluding people from celebrating with us at other times.
What is a Pop-up Temple?
A Pop-up Temple is exactly that we pop up for the day, week etc and then we take it down again till the next event or seasonal celebration. This allows us to travel to different locations and venues, however, our aim is to create a permanent Goddess Temple in the Heart of Nottingham, where we can open every day to hold sacred space.
I thought Paganism was about being outdoors in nature not indoors?
We believe in celebrating and honouring Goddess in both indoor environments as well as out in nature. Temples provide a sacred space for quite time, ceremony and healing allowing us to work on a much deeper level, as we have more control of the environment around us. We do go out into nature regularly, as this is also very important to us in our goal of reclaiming the land. Please keep up to date on our Facebook page for more information.
Within Goddess Spirituality is there any rules, dogma or a book that you follow?
No there is no dogma, rules or a holy book. We create our own spirituality, we do not preach, you are allowed to believe in what you choose and we will honour that. We believe in working with our local Goddesses in remembering their stories. To do this we have to create new ceremonies, new ideas and thoughts. This is the joy of Goddess Spirituality. We follow the ways of the land and Nature to create something very special.
How can I join, share my artwork, poetry, etc with the Temple?
We love to hear from everyone and welcome you to come and join us for one of our Temple Open days as well as contacting us on Facebook or by email to share your ideas and thoughts, working together, building a wonderful community of people is part of our work. Please get in touch today.