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Nottingham Goddess
Join us
With your Donations our dream becomes a reality.
Arnemetia Madron's
Donate just £1 a week and that will help us fund the dream. £1 goes along way over the course a year. Your donation are highly appreciated and in return you will receive a private monthly newsletter, plus the regular Temple Newsletter, guided meditation and discounts to future events.
Trisantona Madron's
Donate just £5 a month and that will help us fund the dream. Your donation are highly appreciated and in return you will receive a private monthly newsletter, plus the regular Temple Newsletter, guided meditation and discounts to future events.

We are also always on the look out for local talented artists, musicians, craft designers etc.
Finally we have a closed Facebook group called
Nottingham Goddess Temple Community
This group is our virtual circle, which allows us to share, chat and communicate with each other. We ask that all information and photos are kept confidential please, as this is our group where we can truly feel free to share our thoughts, feelings and emotions with each other, throught the good and the bad times held in the arms of our Lady. As this is our safe place an admin will talk to you before approving your request.
Its free to join too
Madron (Welsh Modron) is Mother Goddess to the Mabon and to the Land. By becoming a Madron you are becoming in essence a Mother or Father of our Temple.
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