Autumn at the Temple
What a beautiful Autumn this is turning out to be. Thank you to ever that came to our Autumn Equinox day on Saturday 19th September.

We had such a joyful day at the Tempe, with plenty of laughter, sharing, songs and even a little dance as we celebrated in circle and walked the Labyrinth of change.
We reclaimed our Goddess Shirelyn of Hemlock wood, adjacent to Bramcote Hills Park, Nottingham. Seeing Shirelyn as our Woodland protectress and Goddess of the wild wood. Holding us all in her safety, if we act as woodland and environmental guardians. Praying and protecting for the land that we walk upon. Praying that Her animals stay safe from harm this winter. Holding the Badgers and Foxes of this land in our thoughts and prayers as the Government tries their worst to get rid of them, we are here to say no, to rise up and say NO.
Daniel Le Fey our resident Priest of Avalon created this stunning altar that you can see above. How lucky we are in this country to have all this fabulous environment of woodland, meadows, lakes and rivers all around us. How beautiful it is this Autumn to see the changing colours of the leaves to their golden, reds, and browns... simple changes can make such a big difference to our mood and the way we look at life. Next time you look at a tree, see what shade of colours the leaves are, how the sun or rain changes them.
This Autumn remember to stand and stare, to see the beauty all around and to feel the Goddess within all that She touches. As everything She touches changes.
Much Love and Blessings to you all this Autumn.