The First Ever Invocation of the Goddess Wheel of Nottingham!
For the First time at the Summer Solstice 2015, I (Daniel Le Fey) called in the Goddesses of the East Midlands, which forms the New Goddess Wheel of Nottingham. In a separate blog or possibly a separate page on this site, I will write at length about the Wheel and our Goddesses that are associated with specific towns and regions within the East Midlands. For now the Wheel brings together 9 Goddesses that are all found here. I will start off by saying that we work with the Avalonian Wheel of the Year, that has North as Air, East as Fire, South as Water and West as Earth, honouring the way our land changes through the seasonal cycle of the UK. Starting with Imbolc, we Honour Arnemetia, Goddess of the Sacred Springs of Buxton. At Ostara we celebrate the Goddess of fire. At Beltane we celebrate Marian, Lover Goddess of the wild hunt, the wild Woman of Sherwood. At the Summer Solstice we Honour Trisantona, Goddess of the River Trent. At Lammas we honour our Mother Goddess Brigantia, Goddess of the Land and tribe of the Briganties just to the north of us. At the time of Autumn we gather together with Shirelyn, Goddess of the land who can be seen in the woods and gorges of Stapleford hill, Nottinghamshire. At Samhain we go into the Cave of Black Annis, a Leicestershire Witch, Hag and Crone Goddess. At the time of the Winter Solstice when the land sleeps we come together within Sacred Grove to honour Nemetona who can be found in Buxton and Vernemeton South of Nottinghamshire. Finally in the centre of our wheel we honour, The lady of Nottingham, Goddess of our City, (Genius Loci, Spirit Deity of the town) honouring all the spirits that are around us in the centre. This is just the very bare bones of the wheel, there is much more to develop, understand and work out, For example colours, animals, correspondences. Each Temple day the Wheel gains more strength as we come to Honour our Goddesses once more in this life. Since starting this we have now reclaimed Derwena with some wonderful help from our friends the Sheffield Goddess Temple, Derwena being Goddess of the River Derwent. Blessed Be. Xx